Norby Walters, 91, Dies; Music and Sports Agent Who Ran Afoul of the Law

Norby Walters, a booking agent for some of the country’s top disco, R&B, funk and hip-hop artists whose aggressive leap in the 1980s into signing college athletes to secret contracts before they turned pro led to legal problems, died on Dec. 10 in Burbank, Calif. He was 91. His son Gary confirmed the death, at …

For Sports Illustrated, Report About Fake Authors Is Latest Stumble

Three years ago, journalists at Sports Illustrated were worried that the venerable magazine’s new owners and operators were drastically lowering its standards. They noted reports of plagiarism, and worried about substandard writing and the use of freelance reporters with little due diligence. The journalists also wanted better pay, greater transparency during the hiring process and …

Terry Taylor, First Woman Named Sports Editor of The A.P., Dies at 71

Terry Taylor, who as the first — and only — woman to be named the sports editor of The Associated Press brought a tireless management style to covering the Olympics, the World Cup and leagues and teams worldwide, died on Nov. 14 at her home in Paoli, Pa. She was 71. Tony Rentschler, her husband …