‘Don’t move … improve’: Can L.A.’s newest star revive a storied women’s basketball program?

LOS ANGELES — JuJu Watkins’ hands didn’t feel quite right. They were tingling in a way that seemed unnatural, and when she looked down at them, though they were physically there (all 10 fingers — check; perfectly manicured nails — check) they didn’t feel like her hands. Not the hands that made her the No. …

Don’t Be Afraid of the iPhone’s NameDrop Feature, Experts Say

Police departments from New Jersey to California have been sounding the alarm in recent days about NameDrop, a new feature of the Apple iPhone’s latest operating system that allows users to wirelessly exchange contact information. Apple declined to comment, but experts say the warnings that “scammers and thieves” could exploit the feature to harvest a …

Even Most Biden Voters Don’t See a Thriving Economy

It’s difficult for presidents to directly control inflation in the short term. But the White House has addressed a few specific costs that matter for families, by releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to contain surging oil prices in late 2022, for example. The Inflation Reduction Act reduced prescription drug prices under Medicare and …

Female Rangers ‘Don’t Go All Alpha Like the Men’ to Protect a Forest

Riding her motorbike while balancing a backpack, a wok and a sharp cleaver, Asmia expertly maneuvered her way up a dangerous cliffside: a three-mile trip along a precipitous dirt path, barely 40 inches wide, to reach the mouth of the forest. Asmia is one of the 15 members of a team of rangers — 10 …