Got Climate Angst? At the U.N. Summit, There’s a Quiet, Spiritual Place.

Among the hubs for climate scientists, activists and fossil fuel lobbyists at the United Nations climate summit is a new addition this year: a place to pray. The first-ever Faith Pavilion, inaugurated by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed Al-Tayeb, in a video message on Sunday, offers a space for meditation, daily …

Wednesday Briefing: What to Watch at the U.N. Climate Talks

The U.N. climate summit starts tomorrow Two facts loom over the COP28 U.N. climate talks, which begin tomorrow in Dubai: Earth is careening toward climate disaster, and governments are acting too slowly to avert it. Diplomats from nearly 200 countries, and many heads of state and government, will gather to try to draft a plan …

Biden to Skip U.N. Climate Summit, White House Says

President Biden will not attend a major United Nations climate summit that begins Thursday in Dubai, skipping an event expected to be attended by King Charles III, Pope Francis and leaders from nearly 200 countries, a White House official said Sunday. The official, who asked to remain anonymous to discuss the president’s schedule, did not …