E.U. Moves to Tap Frozen Russian Assets to Help Ukraine

Following months of political wrangling, the European Union on Tuesday officially began a lengthy process to deliver on its pledge to use money derived from frozen Russian central bank assets toward the reconstruction of Ukraine. The European Commission, the bloc’s executive arm, said it had agreed on a proposal detailing a legal way to use …

A Russian Village Buries a Soldier, and Tries to Make Sense of the War

A cold wind was blowing across the steppe, but Sapura Kadyrova didn’t see the point in bundling up. She was waiting to greet her son, who was arriving home from the war in a crimson government-issued casket. “So maybe I won’t be warm,” Ms. Kadyrova, 85, moaned. “Then just let me die.” All day long, …

Russian Women Protest Long Deployments for Soldiers in Ukraine

The woman in the video, her face blurred, gave a blunt assessment of Russian military policy: Soldiers mobilized over a year ago to fight in Ukraine deserved to come home. Why weren’t they? “Our mobilized became the best army in the world, but that doesn’t mean that this army should stay there to the last …